We know that the best weapons against colorectal cancer are knowledge, early diagnosis and treatment. That's why at HCA Virginia, we recommend this simple survey as the first effective step against colorectal cancer.

First, answer the survey questions below. If you answer yes to any of them, take the next step by asking your primary care physician for a thorough examination. Or contact HCA Virginia's 24/7 Consult-A-Nurse access line at 804.320.3627 (DOCS) for a free physician referral.

Colorectal Cancer Survey

  • Have you or an immediate family member (mother, father or sibling) had colorectal cancer?
  • Do you have a personal history of inflammatory bowel disease?
  • Do you have a personal history of breast, ovarian or uterine cancer?
  • Are you 40 percent or more over your ideal body weight (obese)?
  • Do you consume a diet high in fat and low in fiber?
  • Are you over age 50?
  • Have you experienced diarrhea or constipation lasting more than two weeks?
  • Have you experienced a persistent decrease in the size or caliber of your stool?

Take Action

Only a physician can determine if you are at risk for colorectal cancer. If you answered yes to any of the survey questions, please make an appointment with your primary care physician. If you answered no to all of the questions, bookmark this page on your web browser and set your calendar to review the survey every six to 12 months.