At HCA Virginia, we diagnose a variety of sleep disorders with an all-night sleep test. It's a simple overnight procedure performed on an outpatient basis. Find out what to expect during an overnight sleep study. We also offer in-home sleep studies. To learn more about each option, please contact one of our sleep center locations.

Our sleep centers evaluate you for:

Types of Sleep Studies We Provide

    • Polysomnography (Overnight Sleep Study)

Once you're settled into one of our home-like rooms, our polysomnographic (sleep) technician will attach electrodes to your head, chest and legs to monitor nighttime sleep stages, respiratory airflow and effort and leg movements.

    • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)/Bilevel Positive Airway

      Pressure (BiPAP) Titration Studies

    • We may provide CPAP or BiPAP treatment. This involves placing a mask over your nose during sleep, providing pressure from an air blower that gently forces air into the nasal passages to improve breathing.
    • Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT)

The MSLT consists of four to five naps, observed over an eight-to-ten-hour daytime period. An individual is given a 20-minute nap opportunity every two hours then instructed to stay awake between naps. Monitoring occurs throughout the test to record any sleep that occurs.

    • In-Home Study

For select individuals who may have sleep apnea, a home sleep study may make the most sense for making a diagnosis. Individuals who meet special criteria and who are eligible through their insurance coverage may be able to choose between testing in one of our sleep centers or completing a sleep study at home.

For more information about our sleep studies, please contact one of our sleep center locations.